Student stories – many new workshops

More and more colleagues are intrigued and want to try out DS as a model for reflections on experiences from placement. So far this spring I have been involved with 70 social worker students, 35 students from occupational therapy and 50+ radiography students. Happy to report positive feedback from both teachers and students. Working on documentation.

Exciting book launch on April 12th

The first book in Norwegian on Digital storytelling was launched on Thursday. One of my co-editors, Kristin Holte Haug, made this short mood-report.


Spanish and English hand in hand – both in name and content in this International conference. Just returned after exciting days in lovely Valencia. Presented a paper together with Kristin Holte Haug, and our theme was how to take DS from pilot project to ordinary learning practice; “how to build sustainable structures?” Hopefully papers will be published soon.

Fortell meg – læring i familier

Tønsberg voksenopplæring og Tønsberg og Nøtterøy bibliotek har laget en omfattende metodeveileder for digital historiefortelling med utgangspunkt i prosjektet “Fortell meg”. De har også beskrevet faglig forankring for prosjektet. Sjekk deres blogg

Profileringsdokument åpent for lesning

Etter at bedømmelsesarbeidet nå er avsluttet, og jeg har fått opprykk til førstelektor, har jeg fjernet passordbeskyttelse på profileringsdokumentet (se under documentation i menyen). Her finner du en oversikt over hele prosjektet satt inn i en større sammenheng. Alle vedleggene er også linket opp.

Nine new colleagues as digital storytellers

Before the students arrived the term started with an intensive mini workshop with colleagues from occupational therapy. Many of them are planning workshops with their students building on the experience from a pilot workshop in May this year.

Exciting meeting with potential students

Last week I had the opportunity to coach three groups of potential bachelor students in Welfare Service in making a group D.S. in just six hours. They took part in a one week course preparing to become active students. The result was amazing, and it was an inspiring opportunity to work with motivated students. Unfortunately, as the stories were made for sharing within the larger group, they may not be published here due to copyright issues.

Sluttseminar i dag

I dag presenterer jeg prosjektet på Førstelektorsdagene på Høgskolen i Oslo. Det representerer en markering av at jeg har levert inn søknad om opprykk til førstelektor. Så er det bare å vente på dommen og jobbe videre med spennende prosjekter. En versjon av presentasjonen min finner du her.

My 16th. We celebrate the International day for sharing life stories

In Oslo, Norway, we will organize an open storytelling session in a small cultural café located in a historical building in the previous industrial area along the river Akerselva: “The house of Hønse-Lovisa”.  Hønse-Lovisa is a well known character from the novels by Oscar Braaten describing the lives of the factory workers along the river. The arrangement is open to the public and everybody is welcome to share their stories related to the theme “The manifold life along Akerselva”. We have made arrangements with various people to tell their stories. Among them people from the local history group, some local museums, an artist who is showing his paintings in the café and a professional storyteller.

Workshop with Joe Lambert in Scandinavia

I want to share with you an invitation from Trampolinstory in Gothenburg, Sweden. They arrange a workshop together with Joe Lambert, July 15-17. Register at or contact Trampolinstory.